A smartphone displays the Xfinity Mobile Phone Clease hub.

Study Shows Your Next Cleanse Should Focus on Your Smartphone

Philadelphia, PA

Millennials are willing to forgo basic necessities like eating or speaking rather than spend a day away from their phones. In addition, 74 percent of Americans have struggled to locate an app because their phones are too cluttered, and Americans have an average of nine apps they never use.

Xfinity Mobile today announced the results of a new study conducted by Wakefield Research of 1,000 U.S. adults, and the findings confirm not only that consumers’ devices are disorganized and bloated, but that Americans’ mobile habits are having an adverse effect on their everyday lives. 

To help consumers refresh their devices and rethink their mobile behaviors, Xfinity Mobile is introducing The Phone Cleanse, a 7-day guide to help consumers reset their overall mobile well-being with daily tips and challenges inspired by advice from leading mobile experts around the world.


The study findings confirm that the need to detox our devices and how we use them spans generations:

  • Application Bloat – Excessive amounts of unnecessary apps – some of which consumers may forget they’re paying for – bog down a phone and make it less efficient. Americans have an average of nine apps on their smartphone they never use, and nearly half of parents (47 percent) have missed snapping an important photo or video of a key moment in their child’s life because their phone didn’t have enough storage space.
  • Bare Necessities – Millennials are more likely than other generations – 67 percent compared to Gen X (56 percent) and Boomers (42 percent) – to give up basic necessities like eating, drinking water, sleeping, speaking, driving or showering rather than spend a day away from their phone.
  • Fit Phone – Just like junk food can slow our bodies, unused apps can hinder optimal phone performance. Among smartphone users, more than half (54 percent) believe deleting storage hungry apps is the most effective way to enhance the performance of their phone. Deleting apps would also help the 74 percent of Americans who admit they have had trouble finding an app because their phone is too cluttered.
  • Pavlovian Responses – 60 percent of Americans can’t wait even one minute to check a notification. Millennials (66 percent) are more trained to succumb to this knee-jerk reaction than Boomers (55 percent), but not by a wide margin. In addition, a majority of Millennials (52 percent) can’t sleep knowing they have an unread notification on their phone.
  • Lost Focus – The constant buzzing and dinging of our phones is diverting our attention from the task at hand. Nearly half (49 percent) of Americans admit they have picked up their phone to check on something specific but forgot what it was because they got distracted by notifications.

With challenges like “The App Purge,” which challenges you to delete 10 apps you don’t use, or “The 24-Hour Notification Fast” that dares consumers to turn off notifications for a day, the Phone Cleanse can be done on any Android or iOS smartphone and is designed to give consumers practical steps to repair and renew their relationship with their phone in just one week. 

Deb Lee, digital productivity coach, piloted the program to offer her advice and expertise: 

“As someone who has been advising CEOs and small business owners for 12-plus years, I’ve seen first-hand how technology can be a source of angst. While we enjoy using our phones and having instant access to anything we could want at our fingertips, the constant connection can be overwhelming. The Phone Cleanse is designed to provide practical ways to encourage consumers to be more thoughtful in the way they interact with their phone.” 

The Phone Cleanse can be found here. For the full experience, tweet us to request a limited-edition interactive Phone Cleanse book, which has a phone-sized cut-out where consumers can place their device as they cleanse their phone.


Wakefield Survey Methodology

The Xfinity Mobile Survey was conducted by Wakefield Research (www.wakefieldresearch.com) among 1,000 nationally representative US adults ages 18+, and to 100 adults ages 18+ in each of the following 6 DMAs: Atlanta, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, Seattle, and San Francisco, between May 21 and May 29, 2018, using an email invitation and an online survey. Quotas have been set to ensure reliable and accurate representation of the U.S. adult population ages 18 and older for the nationally representative sample.  

Results of any sample are subject to sampling variation. The magnitude of the variation is measurable and is affected by the number of interviews and the level of the percentages expressing the results. For the interviews conducted in this particular study, the chances are 95 in 100 that a survey result does not vary, plus or minus, by more than 3.1 percentage points for the nationally representative sample and by more than 9.8 percentage points for each of the DMAs from the result that would be obtained if interviews had been conducted with all persons in the universe represented by the sample.

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