The Xfinity xFi app displayed on a smartphone.

Lunchtime is the New Dinnertime During COVID-19

Key Takeaways

The median active time alert set on weekdays has gone up from 3 hours to 4 hours a day during the COVID pandemic.
There has been a 75 percent increase in the number of times parents are hitting pause on their WiFi network using xFi.
There has been a 43 percent increase in parents activating this setting on xFi for their kids.

Americans are altering screen time rules with everyone home during COVID-19. There has been a spike in usage since the start of the pandemic with a 57 percent increase in people logging on to xFi daily – our digital dashboard to help customers manage their home WiFi network – and a 27 percent increase in users of parental controls features. The most popular actions on xFi are:

We’re happy to see the xFi parental control features have come in handy while everyone shelters in place. We’ll keep you posted on how usage evolves over these next few weeks.

Press Materials

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