Innovation On Display at the Node Summit
Node.js – an open-source platform for building network applications – has flourished significantly since its establishment in 2009. At Comcast we are huge supporters, using Node.js for a number of projects.
Recently, we attended the Node Summit at Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco. This conference is the largest event focused exclusively on Node.js. As sponsors of this event, we wanted to make the most out of the opportunity for face-to-face collaboration, get our team members involved in key initiatives, and advance community objectives.
On Day 1 of the conference, Mike Fine from Comcast presented on Malcolm: Tightening the connection between your RAML/Swagger and your code.
In his presentation, Mike discussed embracing RAML/Swagger as the basis of a web service implementation, flowing requests through a layer of software that "pre-processes" incoming requests and marshals all parameter values. He talked about built-in fake data response support, dynamic API documentation, and simple request/response statistics. It is always fascinating to hear about the transformative role Node.js is playing in the world of computing, across many different industries. Node has progressed at numerous companies, from enterprise to start-up, with an array of different use cases.
We get so much out of the open source forums we participate in, and the Node Summit was no exception. We’re excited to see where the future takes Node and are optimistic about its future.