NBC’s PyeongChang Olympics Opening Ceremony Scores Big
Stamford, CT
NBC’s coverage of the Opening Ceremony for the PyeongChang Olympics posted a Total Audience Delivery average of 28.3 million viewers to rank as the most-watched Friday night program on any network since the 2014 Sochi Olympics, according to live plus same day fast national data released today by Nielsen, and digital data from Adobe Analytics. (Nielsen “out of home” viewership will be available early next week.)
NBC’s 14.7/27 primetime household rating for the Opening Ceremony outperformed by 167% the combined rating of ABC, CBS and FOX for the night (5.5), to rank as the most-dominant Friday in People Meter History (Sept.-May TV season, since Sept. 1987).
“The Opening Ceremony was a terrific show, which we hope will only be topped by the excitement generated by the athletes and competition over the next few weeks. American audiences continue to be interested and excited for the Games, and the early consumption results show that our multiple platform strategy is dominating the media landscape.”
NBC Sports Digital’s Opening Ceremony streaming (live at 6 a.m. ET and simultaneous to the NBC primetime show) on NBCOlympics.com and the NBC Sports app delivered an average minute audience of 449,000 viewers – more than double the audience for the Rio Opening Ceremony (181,000). NBC Sports Digital’s full-day streaming total of 64.2 million live stream minutes exceeded the total of 16 of the 17 competition days in Sochi. The Sochi Opening Ceremony was not streamed.
NBC Olympics this morning made available the full, unedited world feed of the Opening Ceremony of the XXIII Olympic Winter Games for viewing anytime on NBCOlympics.com and the NBC Sports app.