Comcast Statement on Auction of C-Band Spectrum
This morning, Comcast filed the attached letter relating to the planned auction of the C-band spectrum. The statement below is attributable to Sena Fitzmaurice, SVP, Comcast Corporation:
“Comcast has long supported an FCC auction of C-Band spectrum. We applaud Chairman Pai’s announcement to conduct a public auction for 280 megahertz of C-Band spectrum to ensure that this valuable spectrum is put to use quickly for 5G in an open and transparent manner while preserving the C-Band as a critical input for the delivery of video services. The FCC, as the expert agency, should be in charge of this effort to bring new services to American consumers. Today we filed a detailed letter outlining options the FCC could pursue to achieve these important objectives and we look forward to participating in the next stages of the FCC’s proceeding.”