A business owner speaks to a customer in a store.

Americans Rallying to Support Small Businesses

Philadelphia, PA

American consumers are rallying to support small businesses this holiday season according the new research from Comcast Business which explores U.S. consumers’ shopping trends and behaviors amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Comcast Business is committed to helping businesses of all sizes offer the technology-forward experiences their customers expect, enabling them to go beyond bouncing back, to bouncing forward.
Eileen Diskin
Chief Marketing Officer, Comcast Business

The national survey of more than 1,000 consumers found that 46% are more likely to patronize local/small businesses this holiday season compared to previous years, driven primarily by a desire to give back to their communities (53%), while also becoming more purposeful in their shopping.


Of consumers are more likely to patronize small businesses this holiday season

The study also revealed that 84% of Americans are mindful of the type of businesses they support, including purchasing from small and Black-owned businesses. It also found that consumers:

  • Shop locally for quality goods and experiences: In addition to supporting the local community, consumers choose to shop at small businesses for the quality of goods (48%) and customer service (45%) as well as the ability to find unique/niche merchandise (44%). Conversely, when choosing to support big box retailers, they do so because of cost (65%), the convenience of buying multiple things at once (54%), and overall product selection or variety (46%). 


Of customers support small business because of the quality of goods.

  • Plan to support their local restaurants and groceries: The top way consumers plan to support local/small businesses this holiday season is by ordering take out from local restaurants (48%), with 35% planning to tip more generously. Many consumers also intend to support businesses in their local communities by getting groceries at local markets (37%), buying gifts from online marketplaces (25%) and gift cards for local retailers (23%), and sharing their favorite businesses with family and friends (24%).


Of customers have supported small businesses by ordering take out from local restaurants.

  • Are more likely to shop at small businesses that offer alternative pick-up methods: When asked which technology features would make them more likely to shop at small businesses more often, 44% of consumers chose order online, pick up in store, with another 30% choosing curbside pickup. Nearly a quarter (21%) also value contactless payment methods. Furthermore, 75% of consumers agree it is important that retailers offer online shopping.


Of consumers agree it is important that retailers offer alternate pick-up methods, including online shopping.

“2020 has been a trying year for small businesses – the lifeblood of our communities – and the consumers that support them. The results of this survey demonstrate that Americans appreciate the outstanding service, selection and spirit of what small businesses bring to their communities – and consumers are ready to pay it forward this holiday season,” said Eileen Diskin, Chief Marketing Officer, Comcast Business. “Comcast Business is committed to helping businesses of all sizes offer the technology-forward experiences their customers expect, enabling them to go beyond bouncing back, to bouncing forward.”

Comcast Corporation is helping small businesses hit the hardest by COVID-19 with Comcast RISE, part of a $100M Diversity, Equity and Inclusion initiative that offers access to grants, marketing resources, and technology to help small businesses strengthen and survive. The company has also teamed up with leading brands, including American ExpressInc.Amazon Web Services, and more, to develop free webinarsresources, and tools for business navigating this new environment. 

The results presented in this release were compiled from research conducted in a survey of 1,279 American adults by YouGov Plc. on behalf of Comcast Business. The survey was conducted online on Dec. 2 and Dec. 3, 2020. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all U.S. adults (aged 18+).