Advisors Help Us Hear Every Point Of View
Since 2011, our Joint Diversity Advisory Council (Joint Council), which includes more than 40 community leaders from the nonprofit sector, business, politics, and civil rights, has coached our Comcast NBCUniversal leadership teams on how to successfully make positive, lasting, and meaningful strides for diversity and inclusion across the enterprise.
Representing a broad spectrum of expertise informed by a multitude of backgrounds and hailing from across the United States, our Joint Council provides invaluable guidance, creativity, passion, and support. In addition to being accomplished professionals in their own respective disciplines, they are key leaders within our organization, bringing focus and clarity of vision to our Master Plan.
Above all: they constantly inspire us to raise the bar and to do more.
Four nine-member sub-councils represent the interests of women, African Americans, Asian Americans, and Hispanics. In addition, there are members who represent the interests of the LGBT community, veterans, Native Americans, and people with disabilities. All members actively and regularly provide advice and counsel regarding our company’s diversity & inclusion strategies and practices.
In the last four years, the Joint Council has provided Comcast NBCUniversal with invaluable insight, support, and guidance across our five focus areas for diversity and inclusion. The following Joint Council initiatives and actions are select highlights within each area.
Joint Council members offered best-practice guidance in our launch of a voluntary self- identification survey for employees with disabilities and guidance on implementing Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) regulations related to employees with disabilities.
On a regular basis, Joint Council members serve as guest panelists and guest speakers during Comcast NBCUniversal Employee Resource Group events and monthly Employee Enrichment Series broadcasts.
Since the launch of Comcast NBCUniversal’s TierII program in 2012, the Joint Council has servedas continued proponents and spokespersons for the program by consulting with majority suppliers and procurement organizations on the importance of diverse vendor tracking and reporting at the subcontractor level. Members work diligently to facilitate introductions of diverse vendors with Comcast NBCUniversal procurement teams.
In celebration of Black History Month, AsianPacific American Heritage Month, PRIDE Month, Hispanic Heritage Month, Native American Heritage Month, and National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Joint Council members offer linear, On Demand, and online programming recommendations, and in some cases, curation support, to our company’s programming teams.
Joint Council members also provide ongoing programming feedback and guidance to the Comcast Cable multicultural programming and services team and to the NBCUniversal News Group Editorial Board.
Since 2011, Joint Council members have championed two of Comcast’s signature Community Investment programs: Comcast Cares Day and Internet Essentials.
Annually, each member of the Joint Councilrallies their member organizations and volunteers their time and energy to support Comcast Cares Day projects. Members also serve as regular ambassadors for our Internet Essentials program by partnering with Comcast NBCUniversal to sign up new Internet Essentials customers and serve as spokespersons and volunteers at launch events.
In 2012, the Joint Council recommended that Comcast NBCUniversal develop a transparent report on our diversity and inclusion progress and from that recommendation, we published the company’s first public diversity report, Seeing the Bigger Picture.
Members of the Joint Council advise the company on the Master Strategic Plan for Diversity and Inclusion, our dynamic guiding map outlining our strategies and initiatives for diversity and inclusion within our five focus areas.