A Message from Comcast’s Chief Diversity Officer
Our biggest competitive advantages run parallel; we’re at the forefront of innovation and we’re committed to diversity and inclusion in every area of our business.
The landscape of media and technology hasn’t slowed down for anyone. Every day, we are challenged to be smarter than the day before and the ever changing demographics of our country aren’t slowing, either. For our company, planning for and embracing the future drives us and excites us.
We need the best and brightest ideas. We need thinkers and innovators. We need diversity of thought, experience, product and people. To best reflect the customers and communities we serve, we’re infusing diversity and inclusion into our governance, workforce, sourcing, programming and community investment practices. Every area of our business benefits from diversity and inclusion practices and every area of our business is driven by our company’s longstanding promise and unwavering credo:
"We will respect and reflect the customers and communities we serve."
David L. Cohen
Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer
Comcast Corporation