Security Scene: Introducing Constant Guard
If you've been reading this blog regularly, you know how serious we are about your Internet security. What most people didn't know is we've got a dedicated team here whose sole focus is to help protect our customers from bots, viruses, spam and other serious threats from hackers around the globe. Our team has been working behind the scenes, but now we want everyone to know they're on the case and they're not going to let the bad guys win.
Today, we're unveiling this comprehensive security program that we're calling "Constant Guard." It's designed to help protect our customers whenever they connect to our high-speed Internet service.
"Constant Guard" has three key components:
1. People: it all begins with highly skilled professionals in Customer Security Assurance (CSA) who proactively reach out to customers to deal with issues having to do with bots, spam, or virus infected PCs (to name just a few of the many security issues they help manage).
2. Tech: We've talked about the McAfee Internet Security Suite here before, but it warrants repeating. Our high-speed Internet customers can download this suite to their computers for free. They can also get the Comcast Toolbar which includes spyware detection and removal as well as a pop-up ad blocker with built-in anti-phishing software. And starting today in Denver, CO, we are testing a new "Service Notice" customer alert that lets people know if we have reason to believe their home computer has been infected with a bot. The Service Notice is sent to appear in their Web browser with a direct link to our Anti-Virus Center where they can diagnose the problem and take steps to fix it.
3. Education: A wise man once said, "Knowing is half the battle," Security Channel on is a great resource for all things security related.
Cybercriminals aren't taking it easy, so we continue to work hard to help make sure our customers are well protected from a variety of online threats.
We're among the very first ISPs in the U.S. to take this kind of proactive approach to help protect customers online. Let us know what you think and share your ideas about how we can keep improving Internet security.
Update: As of January 20th, Comcast High-Speed Internet subscribers can now receive the Norton™ Security Suite for no additional charge. Check out this post for more details.