For those of you who use the SmartZone® Communications Center, we just launched an exciting new feature to make things a little more convenient for you (for those of you who don’t use SmartZone, maybe this is just the feature you’ve been waiting for…). If you look across the row of tabs (Home, Email, Voice, Address Book), you will see a new addition – Calendar! That’s right, a SmartZone Calendar is now available and easily accessible from the tab bar.

Here are some of the Calendar features:

  • The basics like day, week, month views, and event reminders are covered.
  • Quick add events – quickly add events in your own words "Yoga every Wednesday at 8pm" and SmartZone will take care of the rest. (My personal favorite feature!)
  • Share your calendar with friends, family, and contacts from your address book. You can share all your calendar details or just free/busy time. You can even share your calendar with people who aren’t on SmartZone, we’ll send them a link to a view of your Calendar.
  • Countdowns – countdown to exciting events in your life like birthdays and anniversaries.
  • Merge your SmartZone family calendar with your work calendar via our Outlook/Mac Calendar Sync plug-in and never miss a personal event staying late at work (your spouse will thank us.)
  • Entertainment Calendars – see what’s new On Demand and in the theaters via the On Demand and Fandango Calendars.

Click here to find out more about the Calendar.

There you have it. Check it out by logging into SmartZone via and see for yourself. We have many more great Calendar features coming and we’re listening to what you’re saying, so let us know what you’d like to see and we’ll make it happen.

Happy Calendaring.