In figuring out what to write for my very first post, I decided to step back and ask myself "What am I trying to accomplish?"

First and foremost, I’d like the blog to be relevant and interesting - something you’d actually care to engage in and read again. I’d like to get your feedback and ideas on how we can improve the data, voice, television, messaging and other services that Comcast Business Services provides to small businesses. I’d like to share my enthusiasm for our products, our company and our industry. I’d like to have a vehicle to tell you what we’re doing to improve your experience with us – particularly at those times when we mess up (as we sometimes do).

But where to start?

Coincidentally, I’ve been listening to What Would Google Do? by Jeff Jarvis. One of the themes Jarvis hammers home is that the blogosphere has given customers a profoundly new voice. The good news is that customers are engaged with your brand & products in a very active way. They want to talk about your products. They want to tell prospective customers about their experiences with your products. They want to tell you how to make them better. Of course, they don’t just say the good stuff. And when the bad stuff is really bad, the self-organizing nature of the web can create a tsunami. As a result, customers are in charge more than ever before.

With "What Would Google Do" in mind, I decided that the best path forward was not to figure out what I want to accomplish, but rather to understand what you would like to get out of this blog.

What do you want out of a dialogue with the guy who’s responsible for cooking up Comcast’s business products & services? What would be so interesting or useful that you’d keep coming back, posting and sharing your insights?

Please drop me a note or post a comment letting me know what you’d like to hear about or discuss.

Thanks. I look forward to hearing your thoughts