Graduation Marks the Most Students Ever to Complete Curriculum
Pal to Honor 90 Graduates of the Pal-Comcast Computer Education Program
Graduation ceremonies are set for Thursday, June 30 for the largest class in the four-year history of the groundbreaking Police Athletic League of Philadelphia (PAL) - Comcast Computer Education Program. More than 90 girls and boys from seven PAL Centers will be recognized for successfully completing the 12-week course.
Graduation will be Thursday, June 30, 2005 at 5:30pm during a ceremony held at the Cozen PAL Center at 732 N. 17th Street.
Nearly 300 young people have successfully completed the curriculum since it began in 2002. Upon graduation, students are computer literate, have the ability to solve basic hardware and software problems, and effectively use technology communications in critical thinking and problem solving exercises.
The PAL-Comcast Computer Education curriculum was derived from the Pennsylvania School System's Core Curriculum Standards. The four-phase curriculum is available to youth ages 6-14 and is solely funded by The Comcast Foundation through the Comcast Community Connections Computer Education Program. Additionally, Comcast Corporation provides 14 PAL centers with full Internet wiring and computer labs. Since 1999, Comcast has donated more than a half-million dollars to PAL.
"The PAL-Comcast Computer Education Program has opened doors for Philadelphia's kids. It's given them a realized sense of accomplishment," said Lt. Susan Slawson. "As a result of their involvement in the program, our students develop a respect for and understanding of technology and the tremendous role it plays in their lives. We are grateful to Comcast for providing our kids with this incredible opportunity for success."
"Comcast is thrilled to be part of such a great community program. PAL and Comcast share the same values and enthusiasm when it comes to helping others. We both believe in bettering the communities and neighborhoods we serve," said Dave Watson, Comcast Cable Executive Vice President for Operations and a PAL Board Member. "Understanding technological advancement is essential in today's society, and I think this curriculum gives the kids a good place to start."
The graduation program will feature PAL students, teachers and parents as well as Police Commissioner Sylvester Johnson, PAL Chairman Derrick Roman, Watson, PAL Education Chairperson Dr. Athole Jacobi, Lt. Slawson and Linda McGregor of the Philadelphia School District.
PAL is an independent, non-profit organization that offers young people viable and constructive alternatives to the temptations of the street. PAL provides an environment to keep girls and boys active, enthusiastic and busy through a wide array of supervised recreational and educational programs designed to cultivate self-esteem, leadership, and character. Comcast Corporation, the nation's leading provider of cable, entertainment and communications products and services, has sponsored the Computer Education Program since it began in 2002.
About PAL
The Police Athletic League of Philadelphia (PAL) helps girls and boys develop self-esteem and ambition through a broad array of educational, athletic and cultural activities in a safe and fun environment. Established in 1947, PAL is a citywide network of 26 centers serving 26,000 youngsters ages 6-18. All programs and activities are free and supervised by on-duty Philadelphia Police Officers specially trained in youth development. PAL is "Cops Helping Kids" - a non-profit organization with generous support from the business community, foundations and individuals.
About The Comcast Foundation
The Comcast Foundation was founded by Comcast Corporation in June 1999 and is the company's chief source of charitable support to qualified non-profit organizations. The Foundation primarily invests in programs that work to create a positive, sustainable impact within our communities in the areas of volunteerism; literacy, reading and learning; and youth leadership development. Since its inception, The Comcast Foundation has donated more than $18 million to organizations in the communities where Comcast serves. More information about The Foundation and its programs is available at under "In the Community."