
'Meet the Press' Tops November Sweeps Ballot Box in Key Demo

'Meet the Press with Chuck Todd' delivered an average of 3.785 million total viewers for Sweeps – its best November Sweep in eight years (since Nov. 2008).

"Meet The Press with Chuck Todd" (MTP) is No. 1 in the key A25-54 demo for the November 2016 Sweeps period, marking its best demo audience in any Sweeps period since November 2008 with an average of 1.179 million viewers.

Continuing its No. 1 rank in the key demo season-to-date, MTP topped CBS’ "Face the Nation" by +17 percent (+168,000) and ABC’s "This Week" by +26 percent (+244,000) in November Sweeps; the network broadcast also grew +24 percent (+226,000) among A25-54 viewers compared to November 2015 Sweeps.

MTP delivered an average of 3.785 million total viewers for Sweeps – its best November Sweep in eight years (since Nov. 2008). MTP beat ABC by +11 percent (+389,000) and grew +11 percent (+361,000) year-over-year. Just six percent separated MTP from CBS in total viewers, although MTP broadcast for an average of 16 more minutes than CBS this month. CBS only rates for the first 30 minutes of its hour-long program.

With 1.079 million A25-54 viewers this past Sunday, MTP marked its eighth straight week as No. 1 in the key demo, delivering two percent (+19,000) more than CBS and +22 percent (+192,000) more than ABC. MTP also grew +22 percent in the demo compared to the same Sunday last year.

3.696 million viewers tuned into MTP this past Sunday, eight percent (+284,000) more than ABC and a nine percent increase year-over-year. An additional 641,000 total viewers and 181,000 key demo viewers watched MTP this past Sunday through rebroadcasts on MSNBC.

Tune in this Sunday for an all-new "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd," and get the latest from the show on Facebook and on Twitter.