
Local Businesses Showcase their Multi-Screen Savvy in Comcast Spotlight’s Annual Awards

Which local businesses will win the 2014 Comcast Spotlight LAMP Awards? The public has its say in October. The awards recognize local and regional advertisers’ multi-screen marketing strategies.

This summer, more than 200 businesses from across the country entered their multi-screen marketing campaigns in the 2014 Comcast Spotlight LAMP (Local Advertiser Multi-screen Performance) Awards. Those entries have been narrowed to nine finalists—in groups of three based on their media spending—by a panel of advertising experts, and now the public is invited to cast votes in this year’s competition.

The finalists for the 2014 Comcast Spotlight LAMP Awards can be seen here.

Comcast Spotlight created the LAMP Awards in 2013 as one of the first local media awards recognizing businesses for taking advantage of the opportunity to combine television and online advertising. Entrants outlined their business objectives, advertising strategies and results, demonstrating how multi-screen advertising has bolstered their bottom lines.

"More consumers are using multiple screens and engaging in media multitasking, so more of our local advertisers are embracing a multi-screen approach to reach those audiences," noted Kellie Grutko, Senior Vice President of Marketing for Comcast Spotlight. "The Comcast Spotlight LAMP Awards have been a fun and successful way to celebrate their achievements. We’re looking forward to seeing which campaigns the public feels are this year’s best of the best."

Comcast Spotlight’s multi-screen solutions combine the power of television and online advertising to enhance an advertiser’s message. Multi-screen advertising takes advantage of the ability to reach local customers on more than 50 popular television networks and a range of online platforms to extend reach and build frequency, all backed by unmatched geographic segmentation capabilities to enhance efficiency.Examples of each finalist’s advertising and summaries of their strategies and results are available at http://www.thelampawards.com through October 31. Site visitors may vote (once per day) for a campaign in each media spending level they feel made the best use of multi-screen advertising capabilities. The results of the public voting will be combined with the scores from initial judging by the panel of advertising experts to determine three grand-prize winners. Winners will receive a trip to New York in early 2015, including an opportunity to go behind the scenes at CNBC.

Full details of the Comcast Spotlight LAMP Awards are available at www.thelampawards.com.

About Comcast Spotlight

Comcast Spotlight, the advertising sales division of Comcast Cable, helps put the power of cable to use for local, regional and national advertisers. It is focused on providing multi-platform marketing solutions to reach audiences most effectively and efficiently. Headquartered in New York with offices throughout the country, Comcast Spotlight has a presence in nearly 80 markets with approximately 35 million owned and represented subscribers. Comcast Spotlight is a trademark of Comcast Cable. For more information, visit www.comcastspotlight.com.