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Our business depends on our customers. We’re committed to offering them the best customer service in every country in which we operate.

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Respect Privacy

It is our responsibility to protect the personal information we collect. Our reputation depends on it. We know our customers, employees, and other individuals care about their privacy, and we are dedicated to earning and maintaining their trust. When we collect, use, maintain, or share personal information, we prioritize keeping it safe and using it for the purposes described in our privacy policies and notices. We operate in compliance with privacy laws and respect the privacy rights of individuals. We require our business partners with access to our data to do the same. We only share personal information with those that are authorized to receive it. We protect personal information by maintaining information security programs reasonably and appropriately designed to address security risks and protect the privacy, security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the information. If we become aware of a breach of data in our possession or a breach involving any of our data that is in the possession of our suppliers or business partners, we will take swift action to appropriately notify and protect those who are affected. We understand that our reputation and success depend on maintaining trust with respect to data privacy and security.

Respect Privacy
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Avoid Conflicts of Interest

We do not let outside interests or activities interfere with our business judgment or responsibilities to the Company. We look out for actual, potential, and even perceived conflicts of interest that may arise based on employment or other activities outside the Company, financial interests, or personal relationships. A conflict of interest occurs when an employee is involved in activities or relationships that interfere with the performance of the employee’s job responsibilities or duty of loyalty to the Company. Even when nothing inappropriate is intended, we recognize that the appearance of a conflict of interest can cause harm, such as damaging our reputation or business relationships. We therefore maintain controls to identify, facilitate, and review disclosures of situations that may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest to ensure we are fulfilling our duty of loyalty to the Company.

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Protect Intellectual Property and Safeguard Proprietary and Confidential Information

Protecting and defending the Company’s intellectual property and safeguarding proprietary and confidential information is critical to our success. As a media and technology company, intellectual property and confidential information are among our most valuable assets and include our brands, trademarks, know-how, inventions, patents, content and other copyrighted materials, trade secrets, strategies, computer programs, and media properties, including websites and apps. We also respect the intellectual property rights and confidential information of others and recognize that doing so is vital to maintaining our business and reputation. In general, protecting intellectual property and proprietary and confidential information, whether it is ours or belongs to our business partners, safeguards our ideas and maintains our reputation as a trustworthy partner.

We manage documents and records in accordance with the Company’s records and information governance policies. We protect our confidential information and guard against unauthorized use or dissemination.

Protect Intellectual Property and Safeguard Proprietary and Confidential Information
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Do Not Trade on or Share Inside Information

We strictly prohibit using material, non-public information to buy or sell securities of our Company or sharing that information with others. We also strictly prohibit the buying or selling of securities of another company if we learn material, non-public information about that other company through our work. Such information can include, but is not limited to, an earnings announcement or a significant merger, acquisition, sale, or commercial agreement before it is made public. We also prohibit sharing this information with others for any improper purpose.

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Ensure Financial Responsibility

We are committed to maintaining the integrity of the Company’s accounting, record keeping, financial reporting, and public reporting. We have a system of internal controls to maintain our books and records and prepare our financial statements in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, rules, and accounting standards. We provide full, fair, accurate, timely, and understandable information regarding our Company and our financial performance to security holders and the investment community.

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Communicate Responsibly

We do not speak on behalf of the Company unless authorized to do so. We make sure that our external communications are honest and accurate. In any communication that may reflect on the Company, whether on the job or in our own time, we communicate professionally, maintain confidentiality, and are mindful of the repercussions our words can have on the Company’s business and reputation. This is true in person, over the telephone, via email, and on social media.

We comply with applicable broadcasting and advertising laws, regulations, standards, and codes of practice and are committed to the highest media standards. In our journalism and media, we strive to report accurately, fairly, objectively, and independently, and recognize the importance of working with integrity, honesty, and transparency. We are committed to providing our journalists with the support and autonomy needed to fulfill these commitments.

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