As you may have heard, Xfinity TV on Xbox 360 launched yesterday, and we're excited that the response has been great! During peak hours last night, we made a few adjustments to better handle the load of activation requests during very busy times. Please check the FAQS page for troubleshooting tips. But based on feedback we've heard, here are the most helpful things to be mindful of before you get started:

  • First, the Xfinity TV on Xbox service is available to Comcast customers who subscribe to both Xfinity High-Speed Internet and Xfinity TV with On Demand. That means you can't log into the app in your dorm if you don't have your Xfinity Internet connection there. You also need to be an Xbox Live Gold subscriber to use the app.

  • Importantly, you'll need to use the username and password for the primary user on the account. In most cases, this is the adult in the household, so you might have to ask your parents for that info. Chances are though that once they know you can watch Xfinity TV on Xbox, they're probably going to love it, too.

  • And since the Xfinity TV on Xbox 360 app is an extension of your cable subscription, you'll be able to view On Demand content that's available within your subscription. So if you don't subscribe to Showtime for example, you won't be able to access that channel's On Demand content on your Xbox 360.

Xfinity Video and Internet customers can watch — all directly from their Xbox 360 — thousands of hit movies, current popular TV shows, full seasons of past TV favorites, a huge selection of kids programming, along with movies and TV shows available through another recently launched service, Xfinity Streampix. If you haven't downloaded it yet to experience it firsthand, check out this video from one of our technology experts, Tom Blaxland, who will show you all of the cool features that make this experience so great.

This is all part of our ongoing efforts to continue to add more value to the TV experience, and bring our customers more of the best entertainment choices available anytime and anywhere, along with innovative tools and features to help personalize their viewing experience across screens — from computers, to smartphones and tablets and connected TVs. We hope you enjoy the new Xfinity TV on Xbox experience!