Welcome to Comcast Voices. I’m the Chief Blogger here, but I’m only one

of the voices featured on this blog. Comcast is a big company, involved

in so many different businesses, that the only way to reflect this on

our corporate blog is to have many people from across the company blog

about what they’re doing. You’ll be able to read posts from a variety of

Comcasters about lots of different topics from technology and

entertainment to bigger picture industry and policy issues.

This blog isn’t only about Comcast, despite the name. It is about you,

our customers, and anyone who has an opinion on anything we do (and we

know that there are a lot of opinions out there). We want this blog to

be a conversation. You can comment on all the entries here, and we hope

you do. Tell us what you like, what you don’t like, and what you would

like to see on the blog (we do have some rules on the blog designed to

keep comments on topic).

Take a few minutes and look around. So far we’ve posted about customer

service(always a lively topic), DVR tips, some security information,

and a couple of posts from our Washington office. We seriously want to talk about the issues that are most important to folks (even if they make us

feel a little uncomfortable). If you like what you see make sure to

subscribe to our feed, or get updates via email.