Remember the dreaded pop quiz? I mean really, how could you forget the feeling of strolling into class a few minutes late to find your peers seated at their desks hunched over one of those unmistakable pieces of paper? The feeling in the pit of your stomach when you realize you really should have done last night's reading. Anyway, sorry if I made you nervous - I would run no risk of doing so had pop quizzes been fun and optional like on Well, these aren't pop quizzes exactly, more like trivia games, but we are testing you on a topic, our current favorite being On Demand TV shows. Now, in addition to access to new movies the same day they come out on DVD, the best shows from premium channels like HBO and Showtime, and over 1,000 HD Choices; Comcast now provides a place where subscribers can test themselves online on the content they've viewed on their TV.

For those of you who haven't visited our trivia page lately, we're ready to test you on all of your favorite On Demand shows. You name it; we've got a game for it: Dexter, Mad Men, Heroes, The Sopranos, Lost, The Wire, CSI, Survivor, Battlestar Galactica, High School Comedies (like the movie package featured in August), etc. The material you need to ace every other quiz (think South Park, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, 24, Gossip Girl, Hannah Montana, and Gilmore Girls) can be found on Comcast's very own Fancast. If you're worried about getting bored, don't be, the games are fast, fun, visual, and sometimes challenging. While you're there, create a player profile, dress up your avatar, win points and trophies for correct answers. Are you ready for your quiz? Sure you are.