Over the coming months, we’ll be adding new features that will connect many of the Comcast Websites you may visit today and make them even easier to use. Soon you’ll be able to use a single sign in to access multiple Comcast-owned sites – and you’ll be able to carry your account settings, preferences and other information with you across those sites.

To prepare for these enhancements – and to help you understand our business practices regarding the Websites we own and operate – we’re unifying the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for Comcast.net, Fancast.com, Plaxo.com and Chirp.com effective October 6, 2009.

These updated policies are consistent with our existing ones. In fact, we’ve tried to make the unified versions even clearer by explaining in plain English how we use – and protect – your information to deliver more personalized services through these sites both now and in the future.

The current versions of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy are posted on each site. You can preview the unified policies before they go into effect at:









One last note: if you have our cable, voice or high-speed Internet services, those policies aren't changing. You can see them at http://www.comcast.net/terms/subscriber/ and http://www.comcast.com/customerprivacy.