For the past two years I've been blogging about the famous Yule Log. Well, a lot has changed in the past two years.

For one, we've added a new member to our family who is enrolled in the Yule Log Fan Club by default. Secondly, there are more festive choices in addition to my beloved Yule Log. There's a Yule Dog that "sings" Christmas songs, a radar screen so you can track Santa's every move and -- wait for it -- the YULE LOG IN 3D!

You read that right, the Yule Log is now available in 3D. Now you have to have the appropriate tools to view it in all of its 3D glory (i.e. 3D-capable TV and glasses). I don't have these items yet, but I'm hoping Santa will include this in his delivery along with my son's toys December 25th.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

You can find our 3D Yule Log, and other holiday treats under Top Picks/Holiday Films and More.