Ron Howard's portrait of F1 racing's greatest rivalry, Rush, captivated audiences and earned rave reviews, including an 88% approval from critics and 94% from fans on Rotten Tomatoes, making it a must-see film this fall.

Slate's Dana Stevens called it, "a sleekly assembled thrill machine." Christopher Orr wrote in The Atlantic, "So this is what Hollywood is for," calling Rush "easily one of [Howard's] best." Rene Rodriguez at the Miami Herald may have said it best: "Rush is the kind of Hollywood studio production that has sadly become all too rare - a smart, exciting, R-rated entertainment for grown-ups that quickens your pulse and puts on a great show."

Steven Rea at the Philadelphia Inquirer credits the film's "elemental simplicity" with broadening its audience beyond race fans. As Anthony Lane put it in the New Yorker, "If you don't already know the story of that season, lucky you; even now, it exerts a ridiculous thrill."