Rio 2the soaring sequel to the animated hit Riomakes its debut in the Xfinity On Demand digital store this week, giving Xfinity TV families the ability to own and enjoy the film on the TV at home or on the go as they pack up for summer vacations.  

While more than 20 million Xfinity TV digital subscribers now have the ability to purchase their favorite movies and tv shows with just the click of a remote, life was not always so easy.  

Not long ago, renting a movie meant getting in your car and making the journey to your local video store, usually to be disappointed that the new release movie you wanted was out of stock, so you were left taking a gamble on a few movies that you never heard of. TV viewing was by appointment only and "high definition" was either unheard of or unattainable for the typical consumer. 

Fast forward to today -- Hi Def is the new norm , TV answers to our schedules and virtually any movie, TV show or game is available to rent or own at a moment's notice. 

Nevertheless, consumers still want and expect more. Today’s consumer is empowered, connected digitally, and in control of their entertainment experiences, making the connection to entertainment more emotional and personal than ever before, raising the bar for companies to provide more content, choice and value. 

Consumers spent more than $18 billion on movies, TV shows and video games (home entertainment) in 2013, with a growing percentage being spent on movies and TV shows accessed digitally.

Leading the digital video revolution is Digital HD, a moniker that represents technology that offers audiences convenient and early access to movies weeks before they are available on disc. 

So far this year, movies and TV shows purchased with Digital HD increased by 50 percent to more than $1 billion. By 2015, these figures are only expected to increase.

At Twentieth Century Fox, we have seen huge success on Digital HD across our entire collection of film and television. From feature films like The Wolverine, Academy Award-winner 12 Years a Slave, Grand Budapest Hotel and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty to TV shows such as fan favorites Sons of Anarchy and 24, digital ownership is quickly becoming the medium of choice for consumers. In fact, since launching their digital store last fall, Xfinity has consistently been one of the top digital sellers in the country and Comcast customers have exceeded our expectations around titles like Robocop, Enough Said and Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters. And today, we are releasing Rio 2 on Digital HD and Xfinity On Demand, one of the biggest families movies at the box office this year, and we anticipate continued success. 

One of the key factors driving this Digital HD trend is the increase in pay-TV providers entering the space. Comcast started selling digital titles last fall and immediately became one of the top digital sellers in the market.  With Xfinity TV customers viewing over 400 million On Demand entertainment choices every month, consumers can purchase and access digital movies and TV shows from their living rooms with just a click of the remote and store them, seamlessly, in the cloud to be enjoyed anywhere, anytime, without the hassle of managing files, switching devices or remembering passwords. 

As long-standing partners, Twentieth Century Fox and Comcast believe everything starts with the customer. Together, we’re relentlessly exploring new and innovative ways to deliver great content that compliments today's digital lifestyle. We’ve been on this digital journey with you from the beginning, and we're just getting started. The consumer is evolving – and so are we.