Two weeks later, and I’m a married man (sorry, ladies). I’m back in the old blogging saddle, and cooking up some fun stuff for Comcast Voices that you’ll be seeing before too long.
Thanks to Jorge and Kate for minding the store as I galavanted around Vermont and the Adirondack mountains with my lovely wife for a little over a week.
Speaking of my honeymoon, it fell upon me to plan the entire thing since Marisa handled all the other details of the wedding. I, of course, turned to the Internet to discover neat places to stay and to book our rooms.
Other than booking accommodations, I didn’t have much of a plan. We knew (well, Marisa knew) that we wanted to stop at Bennington Potters, but that was the only firm plan that we had. Throughout the week we turned to iPhone apps (the Fandango app made it super easy to find a theater in New Hampshire that was playing Fame within the hour) and the Internet to plan our next day’s activities.
More than once I turned to Marisa and said, "I don’t know how people planned trips before the Internet!" Good thing I won’t ever need to find out.