There has been a tremendous amount of national attention paid to the Flint water crisis. Stories abound of celebrities and companies delivering water to help Flint residents. This issue hits home for our company where we have 58 employees and thousands of customers who are impacted.
That’s why we’re implementing a full-court press and collaborating with government to help out and make a difference as we do in any crisis situation that impacts our employees and customers.
Our technicians are carrying state-provided water filters on their trucks and offering them to customers at every home visit.
Our Flint service center employees are offering water filters to everyone who stops by.
Comcast has contributed Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) explaining where residents can get resources and information.
We have established a special On Demand section called "Flint Water" that includes a video on how to install the filter and a PSA, so our customers have easy access to this valuable information.
We’re holding our own bottled water drive for our 4,000+ Michigan Comcast employees, and our techs are delivering the donations to Flint.
We’ve opened up our Wi-Fi hotspots in Flint for the next 30 days so that emergency personnel and volunteers can use our fast, reliable network to communicate with one another and track necessary data to ensure all Flint residents receive information and resources.
Part of what makes Comcast such a special place to work is our employees’ unwavering commitment to their communities. They exemplify this every year during our Comcast Cares Day when we all come together with our families, friends and community partners around the world to volunteer and make change happen in our local communities.
Just as importantly, when our communities need us the most Comcasters rise to the occasion to make a difference. We’ll continue to look for opportunities to help out in Flint.