Comcast Spotlight recently launched their new app to educate advertising agencies and businesses about advertising solutions that can help them reach more customers and target them in a more efficient and engaging way. Initially launched in 2011, the app was initially created to educate the agency community about the debut of I+, (a way advertisers can reach more consumers watching cable programming in major TV markets whether they are in cable, satellite or telco homes).
The latest version features an Interactive Television (iTV) Emulator that demonstrates exactly how our iTV products work and shows how commercials can come to life with these advertising solutions. By interacting directly with these ads, users can see how other clients have used these advertising solutions to engage with consumers.
App users will learn how VOD Telescoping can take consumers directly from a 30-second commercial to long-form video on demand, allowing brands to engage with the customer and provide more information. The app shows how different advertisers utilized VOD as a more compelling way to tell their story beyond the thirty second spot.
Users can also see how they can put product samples and additional product information into their customers’ hands by utilizing "Request for Information" overlays. RFI allows advertisers the ability to truly engage viewers and to generate highly qualified leads for advertised products and services.
Networks can see how they can use "Remind-Record," in conjunction with their tune-in spots to increase the impact by building awareness, creating desire and improving ratings through this interactive prompt on a TV spot that allows viewers to quickly set reminders or record (on their DVR) their favorite television programs.
The app also includes the Network Targeting Tool that allows users to learn what TV and online networks can help them reach their target demographic. By selecting one of the 18 most requested demographic groups, users can learn what networks these people are watching and then save a list of networks for future reference to help build a media plan.
Because both brand and message recall increase significantly when consumers are exposed to both TV and online advertising and viewers are increasingly viewing content in both places, the app educates users on how multi-screen advertising can be used to deliver an advertiser’s message to potential customers in a more engaging and impactful way. Advertisers can learn how they can extend the impact of their television campaigns by showcasing their existing TV creative online.
As with most apps, a mission of Comcast Spotlight’s app is to keep content fresh and relevant for users. That means adding content important to political marketers during major election years, keeping on top of demographic shifts and programming updates and showing new examples of how advertisers are using Comcast’s technology to get their message to customers, all of which are on tap for future updates.