Ten years ago, Comcast Spotlight was formed, bringing together a number of media sales teams that had come to be part of Comcast through acquisitions and mergers. Our team hit the ground running, and we’ve been focused on one core mission since then: making spot cable easy to plan and buy, whether that’s across an individual neighborhood or the entire country.

Along the way, we’ve introduced new ways to reach and engage with audiences, such as online and digital advertising options, and interactive television capabilities. We’ve expanded our reach to include both more channels and more providers, like satellite and telco companies along with our colleagues at other cable television providers. And we’ve worked to enhance and develop processes that consistently make it easier to do business with us.

I couldn’t be prouder of our 3,500 employees, who have accomplished all of that, and more, since 2004. And I couldn’t be more excited about what the future holds. In fact, the future is what our anniversary celebration is all about: looking ahead to "The Next 10."

Though none of us knows exactly what the media landscape will look like in a decade—after all, just four years ago, none of us were walking around with a tablet computer—but I feel safe in making three predictions today. First, consumers will continue enjoying the high-quality, entertaining content offered by dozens of top cable brands. Second, when and where people watch those shows will continue to evolve in our always-connected world. And third, Comcast Spotlight will stay at the forefront of linking those two trends. Assembling fragmented audiences was the baseline of our first ten years, and it will be the foundation of our next ten as well.

To our clients, thank you for letting us earn your trust over the last decade. You have our commitment that we’ll continue to work hard every day to keep earning it for the next ten—and beyond.