Yesterday, we announced the expansion of the Xfinity On Demand digital store offering, giving Xfinity TV customers the ability to purchase Warner Bros. movies and TV shows to own and access anytime, anywhere, on any device. Now, our customers are able to purchase and enjoy their favorite movies and TV shows, often weeks before the DVD release, from studios including FOX, Lionsgate, NBCUniversal and Warner Bros., and store them seamlessly in the cloud. 

Just last November, we launched the Xfinity On Demand digital store to unprecedented success—becoming the the #1 digital seller of Despicable Me 2 (week ending 12/3/13), Fast and Furious 6 and The Hunger Games (weeks ending 11/26/13 and 12/3/13). 

Beginning today, Gravity, nominated for 10 Academy Awards and one of the top-grossing movies of 2013, will be among the first Warner Bros. titles available for purchase. Additional Warner Bros. titles coming soon include: 42ArgoThe Great GatsbyThe Hobbit: An Unexpected JourneyThe Lord of the Rings trilogy, Man of Steel, Harry Potter movie franchise, Pacific RimPrisonersWe’re the MillersThe ConjuringThe Following (TV series)GetawayThe Hangover movie franchise, and Veronica Mars (TV series). 

As our catalog continues to grow, we look forward to providing our customers with best content to own and enjoy where and when they want.