So far this year, about 200 million out-of-home sessions have been initiated on the Xfinity WiFi network. This is a 650 percent increase from the same time in 2013. And, Comcast customers now transmit nearly two million gigabytes (or half a million DVDs worth) of data through Comcast’s Wi-Fi hotspots each month. Here at Comcast we know wireless connectivity, speed and reliability is important to our customers, and to the future of innovation. Earlier this month, the Xfinity WiFi network eclipsed one million hotspots, nationwide.
But we are not done. Today, we are unveiling plans to reach eight million Xfinity WiFi hotspots by the end of the year. They will be available throughout 19 of the nation’s 30 largest cities, including Boston, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle and Washington D.C.
The Xfinity WiFi network presently includes:
Outdoor Hotspots: Comcast has placed Xfinity WiFi hotspots in public locations across the country, ranging from shopping centers and commuter stations to parks, sporting venues, beaches and boardwalks.
Business Hotspots: Most Comcast Business Internet customers are eligible to receive an Xfinity WiFi hotspot for no additional charge when they order service. This is a value-added feature that directly improves their patrons’ experience. Examples include restaurants, cafés and bakeries, retail establishments and office waiting rooms.
Neighborhood Hotspots: Recently, Comcast began providing residential customers with Xfinity Wireless Gateways the ability to have a second "xfinitywifi" signal (or SSID) in their home that is separate and distinct from their private and secure home Wi-Fi signal. This second signal provides visiting Xfinity Internet customers Wi-Fi access without the need to use the homeowner’s private network password. Presently, 54% of Xfinity’s Neighborhood Wi-Fi usage travels over the second SSID.
WiFi is part of our broader plan to deliver the fastest in-home and out-of-home Internet experience and power our customers’ growing number of devices and growing Internet use.
We have invested tens of billions of dollars to create a network across the U.S. that makes broadband widely available and provides the nation’s fastest Internet and in-home Wi-Fi service. As we accelerate towards eight million hotspots, we are not only meeting today’s needs, but we are staying ahead of tomorrow’s potential demands.